20.5 C
venerdì, Ottobre 25, 2024

SOS da Gaza: il nord della Striscia è alla fame mentre continuano i bombardamenti

  Speciale per Africa ExPressAlessandra Fava24 Ottobre 2024 L’ultima...

Rapporto americano svela aiuti segreti monstre di Washington per la guerra di Israele

  Speciale per Africa ExPressAlessandra Fava22 Ottobre 2024...

Camerun: trionfale ritorno in patria del presidente Paul Biya

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 22 ottobre...

Tag: Ethiopia

Abiy Ahmed, il premio Nobel per la pace che ha spianato la strada alla guerra

Declan Walsh giornalista del Nel York Times, racconta la storia di come il primo ministro dell'Etiopia, Abiy Ahmed, ha vinto il prestigioso riconoscimento per aver fatto pace con l'Eritrea e poi ha usato l'alleanza per pianificare la guerra

“Wake up president Afeworki and stop the the killing field in Eritrea”

This is an open letter written by some Eritreans that want to be undisclosed. They are afraid of the dictatorial repression of the regime. Our correspondent...

Etiopia al collasso: un anno di guerra con morti, profughi e milioni spesi in armi

Africa ExPress 1°novembre 2021 La Storia dell’Etiopia s’intreccia con l’eterna lotta per il potere tra i tigrini e gli amhara, i due gruppi etnici eredi diretti...

L’Etiopia del Nobel massacra i tigrini e riduce i quadri delle ambasciate

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes 11 agosto 2021 L’Etiopia chiude o riduce all'osso il personale, che richiama in patria, di alcune delle sue ambasciate all'estero (una...

Ethiopia, ethnic cleansing strikes again: Melles Zenawi’s daughter arrested and released

Special for Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi December 22, 2020 The phone call from Ethiopia arrived suddenly. The voice on the other end is shaky: "They've arrested...

The ambassador of Ethiopia in Rome explain the point of view of her country

Africa ExPress Rome, 23 November 2020 Africa ExPress contacted the ambassador of Ethiopia in Italy, Mrs Zenebu Tadesse Woldetsadik. Her Excellency provides answers to some common...

The Afworki trip to Ethiopia ignores human rights abuses in Eritrea

From our Correspondent Saba Makeda Somewhere in Eritrea, 21 ottobre 2020 From the 12th to 15th of October 2020, President Isaias Afworki was on an official visit...

The revival of Ethiopian Navy, the Horn of Africa, the Red Sea, Regional power dynamics

Special for Africa ExPress Makeda Saba 24 January 2020 The modern Ethiopian Navy was established by Emperor Haile Selassie, with the assistance of the United Kingdon, in...

Pace Etiopia-Eritrea: il Nobel al premier etiopico, a bocca asciutta il nemico eritreo

Speciale per Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi 11 ottobre 2019 Un africano, un politico africano che vince il Nobel per la pace? Ma la politica in Africa...

Eritrea-Ethiopia peace leads to a refugee surge

IRIN James Jeffrey Mekelle (Ethiopia), 15 November 2018 A group of Eritreans lines up outside a small, green army tent surrounded by yellow scrubland at the top...

Eritrea Ethiopia peace process must involve the people – We must speak out

Special for Africa Express Saba Makeda Somewhere inside Eritrea, 18th September 2018 The Ethiopia/Eritrea peace process that started on 05 June 2018 when the: “Ethiopian Governing Coalition announced...

Securitising Africa’s borders is bad for migrants, democracy, and development

IRIN Loren B. Landau Caroline Kihato Johannesburg, 5th July 2017 South Africa’s National Assembly recently passed a bill to set up a new border management agency. The Border...

The Killings of Oromos: Deafening Silence from Ethiopia

Human Right Watch Felix Horne Naironi, April 14th 2016 Since November, state security forces have killed hundreds of protesters and arrested thousands in Oromia, Ethiopia’s largest region. It’s the...

Eritrea, a Constitution on Paper that the Dictator has never Wanted to Implement

Our Special Correspondent Saba Makeda Somewhere inside Eritrea, 31st December 2014 (1 – continues) There have already been a number of responses (1) to the publication of the...

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