27.6 C
sabato, Settembre 14, 2024

Kenya e Uganda sotto shock per il femminicidio della runner Rebecca Chepetegei

Dal Nostro Corrispondente Sportivo Costantino Muscau 13 settembre 2024 "Prima...

La famiglia di Elisa Claps vicina agli sfollati del Congo-K

Speciale per Africa ExPress Cornelia I. Toelgyes Kinshasa, 11...

Tag: London

The Coronavirus Emergency does not Stop Iran Air’s Flights to Europe

Special for Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta April 3, 2020 Most European airports are closed, they only open to accommodate emergency flights. Still,...

The secrets of Coronavirus: seven infected with the Italian embassy in Tehran

Exclusive to Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta March, 26th 2020 “Your parents are trapped inside the Italian embassy here in Tehran: there are seven...

Eritrean journalist critic of the regime strongly attacked by pro-government thugs in London

Special for Africa ExPress Martin Plaut 2th December 2019 A pattern of attacks on journalists reporting critically about Eritrea is emerging in London. The latest took place ...

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