25.6 C
martedì, Gennaio 14, 2025

Dubai, terra di conquista dei maratoneti etiopi

Dal Nostro Inviato Sportivo Costantino Muscau Nairobi, 13 gennaio...

Libera Sala, libero Abedini: tutti esultano ma chi ha vinto?

Speciale per Africa ExPress Fabrizio Cassinelli 8 gennaio 2025 Alla...

Frontex: guerra ai migranti con droni israeliani

Dal Nostro Esperto in Cose Militari Antonio Mazzeo 13...

Tag: Tehran

Guerra Russia-America a distanza in Medio Oriente: Putin con Erdogan in Iran, Biden in Israele ed Arabia Saudita

Africa ExPress Teheran, 15 luglio 2022 Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin farà un viaggio a Teheran il 19 luglio per incontrare i sui omologhi iraniano, Ebralui...

Dossier Silvia/The Map of Intrigues Widens and now also Passes through Germany

Everyone talks about Silvia's personal things, rumors that are the background noise to a story, that of her kidnapping in Somalia, whose contours go far beyond the (questionable) sphere of gossip. While we are distracted by media cabaret news, five Iranian oil tankers are about to reach the shores of Venezuela. What do they have to do with Silvia? Her affair has become intertwined with something greater than her

Dossier Silvia/Qatar gets the Uranium and Pays the Ransom that will be used to Build Skyscrapers

Special for Africa Express Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta Milan, May the 2oth 2020 Italy did not pay the ransom for Silvia Romano's release. The...

The Coronavirus Emergency does not Stop Iran Air’s Flights to Europe

Special for Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta April 3, 2020 Most European airports are closed, they only open to accommodate emergency flights. Still,...

The secrets of Coronavirus: seven infected with the Italian embassy in Tehran

Exclusive to Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta March, 26th 2020 “Your parents are trapped inside the Italian embassy here in Tehran: there are seven...

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