17.8 C
sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Contro i genocidi nasce in Ruanda il Giardino dei Giusti dell’Umanità

Speciale per Africa ExPress Federica Iezzi 27 luglio 2024 A...

Non solo Gaza: le micidiali e vietate bombe al fosforo usate dagli israeliani in Libano

Speciale per Senza Bavaglio Giovanni Verga Sidone (Libano), 25...

Tag: Italian

The Explosion in Beirut Caused by a Tactical Atomic Bomb Stored at the Port

Special for Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica Mistretta August 9th 2020 VERSIONE ITALIANA The information arrives to Africa ExPress from a trusted military source that wants to...

The secrets of Coronavirus: seven infected with the Italian embassy in Tehran

Exclusive to Africa ExPress Massimo A. Alberizzi and Monica A. Mistretta March, 26th 2020 “Your parents are trapped inside the Italian embassy here in Tehran: there are seven...

Italian prosecutors wiretap Guardian journalist Lorenzo Tondo

Pubblichiamo qui un articolo del Guardian, riguardante il giovane eritreo, Medhane Tesfarmariam Berhe, estradato dal Sudan in Italia (http://www.africa-express.info/2016/06/13/tranello-agli-italiani-per-arrestare-il-falso-trafficante-eritreo-pagato-del-denaro/), perchè ritenuto un pericoloso trafficante. Tutti ritengono...

Fear of Boko Haram recruitment In the Cameroon area where the Italian priest have been kidnapped

IRIN MAROUA, 16th April 2014 Nigeria's extremist Islamist group Boko Haram are believed to be actively recruiting fighters across the border in Cameroon's Far North Region,...

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