17.8 C
sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Contro i genocidi nasce in Ruanda il Giardino dei Giusti dell’Umanità

Speciale per Africa ExPress Federica Iezzi 27 luglio 2024 A...

Non solo Gaza: le micidiali e vietate bombe al fosforo usate dagli israeliani in Libano

Speciale per Senza Bavaglio Giovanni Verga Sidone (Libano), 25...
Home A general view shows the Education city stadium built for the upcoming 2022 Fifa soccer World Cup during a stadium tour in Doha A general view shows the Education city stadium built for the upcoming 2022 Fifa soccer World Cup during a stadium tour in Doha

A general view shows the Education city stadium built for the upcoming 2022 Fifa soccer World Cup during a stadium tour in Doha
