Raila: “Ho le prova dei brogli, le elezioni vanno annullate e bisogna rifarle”


Massimo Alberizzi FrancobolloDal Nostro Inviato Speciale
Massimo A. Alberizzi
Nairobi, 9 agosto 2017

La denuncia di Raila Odinga, il candidato dell’opposizione alla presidenza della Repubblica del Kenya, che accusa il governo guidato da Uhuru Kenyatta, candidato alla più alta carica dello Stato per un secondo mandato, è precisa e circostanziata. Tanto che lo convince a chiedere l’annullamento delle elezioni e la convocazione di una nuova tornata  “libera e trasparente”.

Seduti a un tavolino del Java Cafe dell’ABC Place, di fronte all’ufficio dove Raila ha appena tenuto una conferenza stampa, il capo della sua campagna elettorale, Joe Ager, reclama deciso: “Le elezioni si devono rifare”. Poi aggiunge: “Ci siano accorti degli ‘infami brogli’ quasi per caso. Abbiamo notato che qualcosa non andava mentre in televisione stavamo seguendo l’andamento dello spoglio elettorale. I voti di Uhuru e di Raila salivano in una progressione continua ma avevano una particolarità: il presidente uscente manteneva un vantaggio costante dell’11 per cento sullo sfidante”.

Makau Mutua twitt
La tabella postata su twitter dal professor Makau Mutua. Nella colonna di sinistra l’ora in cui sono stati comunicati i dati parziali, le successive due colonne i voti ottenuti da Raila e da Uluru, poi la differenza e infine la percentuale di voti che distanzia i due candidati

Ager mostra una tabella  postata su twitter da Makau Mutua professore di matematica e spiega (questa pubblicata qui accanto): “Come si può vedere il numero di voti diffusi dalla Commissione elettorale durante la notte salivano ma mantenevano fisso il distacco, 11 per cento. Certamente un andamento piuttosto strano. Così abbiamo scoperto che qualcuno era entrato nel cervellone della Commissione e ne aveva alterato i dati piazzando un algoritmo settato in modo tale che garantiva a Kenyatta un vantaggio dell’11 per cento su Raila”.

Durante la conferenza stampa Raila, ha fatto vedere i documenti che mostrano le intrusioni informatiche: le ore precise in cui sono avvenute e quali operazioni sono state compiute. I dettagli sono contenuti nel documento diffuso dal NASA e pubblicato qui in basso. Al di là delle accuse e delle frasi di propaganda è interessante notare la professione delle intrusioni. Se fosse dimostrata la veridicità mostrerebbe un grosso e grave imbroglio.

[embedplusvideo height=”337″ width=”600″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/2uqPFBo” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/kYwr6rCQplQ?fs=1&vq=hd720″ vars=”ytid=kYwr6rCQplQ&width=600&height=337&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep7441″ /]

Secondo Joe Ager lo spoglio dei voti funziona più o meno così. Alla chiusura nei seggi si procede alla conta. I risultati vengono trascritti su un modulo che viene scannerizzato e inviato ai nodi di coordinamento della circoscrizione. Questi, a loro volta, li inviano sempre per via elettronica all’ Independent Electoral and Bundaries Commission (IEBC, la commissione elettorale) a Nairobi. Secondo Ager, l’imbroglio è avvenuto durante questi passaggi informatici.

“Infatti nella notte tra martedì e mercoledì – spiega il capo della campagna di Raila – la conta dei voti è avvenuta non in base ai risultati verificati sulle schede cartacee ma su quelli comunicati dai computer e gia alterati dall’algoritmo. Il controllo sui voti reali – aggiunge Agier – non è stato possibile perché le schede non sono in possesso della commissione elettorale ma sono rimaste nelle mani dei presidenti di seggio. Un buon motivo per fermare la diffusione dei dati, cosa che abbiamo chiesto”.

Durante il  “viaggio informatico” dall’urna alla IEBC i dirigenti della NASA sono convinti che una spia sia penetrata nel cervellone della Commissione e abbia modificato i dati aggiustandoli in modo da far vincere Kenyatta. “Abbiamo verificato che qualcuno è entrato con le credenziali di Chis Msengo, il capo della divisione voto elettronico della commissione elettorale assassinato la settimana scorsa. Lui aveva le chiavi elettroniche per poter entrare nel più profondo del computer dov’è racchiuso tutto. Il suo corpo è stato ritrovato martoriato e senza un braccio: prima di essere ucciso, Chris è stato torturato” . Poi Agier aggiunge con sicurezza: “L’hanno seviziato proprio per estorcergli la password necessaria a entrare nel cuore del sistema elettronico e poterne modificare i dati a piacimento in modo tale da far vincere Uluru e Ruto. In più – ricordiamocelo – Chris era soprannominato l’incorruttibile”.

Massimo A. Alberizzi
twitter @malberizzi




Fellow Kenyans,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  1. This election was not always about me. Throughout my travels across the country, I have felt the conviction that it was about the deepest values, which bind us as a nation. I therefore would not be motivated to find in these elections, anything that puts us a part. Elections have a core nation building purpose.
  1. I have called you today to have a deep reflection on what I regard as a historic moment. Yesterday, 8th August 2017 Kenyans held the second Election under the Constitution 2010. I bring to you this information, not just as a candidate in the election, but as a citizen who has made some contribution in building this nation. I do this out of an obligation to Kenyans and out of a deep conviction to highest values that ought to bind us.
  1. Democratic elections are based on the basic principle that the sovereign are the people. It is not a show for those who stand for election or those who run it. Some persons have taken an audacious attempt to overrule the power of Kenyans to choose their leaders.
  1. Out of a scheme organized over apparently longer period, some persons conspired and executed a scheme to deny Kenyans their democratic right to elect their leaders. From the information in our possession, some persons gained entry into the IEBC Election Management Database and assumed the role of our collective sovereign.
  1. While Kenyans were bearing the long queues to determine their destiny, the conspirators begun the execution of their plan. At about 12.37 pm on the 8th August 2017, hackers gained entry into our election database through the identity of Chris Msando who was executed barely a week ago into the account of the Mr. Chebukati Chairperson (this is highlighted at page 52 of the document annexed to this statement) .
  1. They gained full entry into the IEBC systems, acquired powers to write their will and dwarf the peoples’ voice. They created errors into the IEBC Core Server (as highlighted at Page 2 of the document annexed to this statement) that allowed them to turn a democratic process into a function of a formula
  1. At 12.38pm they introduced several programmes (xpstar.dll version 2009) to execute stored procedures in the library and the memory of the IEBC database intended to manipulate data.
  1. At 12.38 pm they loaded an algorithm which is a formula to create a percentage gap of 11 percent between our numbers in the presidential race.
  1. At 12.41 pm they switched on the read and write, option on the IEBC 2017 Presidential Election Database giving them power to add or delete anything in the IEBC database. At the same time, they set the Date Correlation Optimization to off. In doing this, they effectively disabled the system from detecting date and time.
  1. Again, at 12.41pm they set Auto Update Statistics Async to off for database option IEBC Presidential 2017 (as highlighted at Page 4). In doing, this made sure that records sent from the field would not be reflecting on the system. At 12.41 also the DATABASE OPTION DISABLE BROKER was switched to ON. This was disable the database from tracking the events happening in the database
  1. At 12.41pm they set the RECRUSIVE TRIGGERS to OFF for database IEBC PRESIDENTIAL_2017 (highlighted at page 4 of the attachment). Switching those off ensures that the database would not keep record of anything. Then the QOTED IDENTIFIER was switched to off to easily manipulate the database. Then at the same time they switched the NUMERIC ROUNDABORD to off FOR DATABASE IEBC Presidential 2017 to maintain a fixed figure and avoid rounding off values.
  1. At 12.41 pm they set the CONCAT NULL YIELDS NULL to OFF for IEBC_PRESIDENTAIL 2017. This prevents populating the database with null values.
  1. The AUTO UPDATES STATISTICS was switched to on to enable updating of values in tandem with their programme.
  1. They switched AUTO CREATE STATISTICS on to enable their programme traverse the database updating it with their set and desired values to avoid trace.
  1. Within just over twelve hours, this attack on our democracy affected the Presidential Elections in all the 47 Counties both in the live process and the back up:
  2. Mombasa (Highllighted at page 5)
  3. Kwale (Highlighted at page 7)
  4. Kilifi (Highlighted at Page 8)
  5. Tana River (Highlighted at Page 9)
  6. Lamu (Highlighted at Page 10)
  7. Taita Taveta (page 11)
  8. Garisa (Page 12)
  9. Wajir (Page 13)
  10. Marsabi (Page 13/14)
  • Isiolo (Page 14/15)
  • Meru (Page 15/16)
  • Tharaka Nithi County (Pg. 16/17)
  • Embu (Pg. 17&18)
  • Kitui (Pg. 18 & 19)
  • Machakos (Page 19 & 20)
  • Makueni (Page 20 & 21)
  • Nyandarua (Page 21 & 22)
  • Nyeri (Page 22 & 23)
  • Kirinyaga (Page 23 & 24)
  • Muranga (Page 24 & 25)
  • Kiambu (Page 25 & 26)
  • Turkana (Page 26 &27)
  • West Pokot (Page 27 & 28)
  • Samburu (Page 28 & 29)
  • Trans Zoia (Pg. 29 & 30)
  • Uasin Gishu (Pg. 31 & 32)
  • Elgeyo Marakwet (Pg. 32 & 33)
  • Nandi (Pg. 33 & 34)
  • Baringo (Pg. 34 & 35)
  • Laikipia (Pg. 35 & 36)
  • Nakuru (Pg. 36 & 37)
  • Narok (Pg. 37 & 38)
  • Kajiado (Pg. 38 & 39)
  • Kericho (Page 39 & 40)
  • Bomet (Page 40)
  • Kakamega County (Pg. 41 & 42)
  • Bomet County (Pg. 40 & 41)
  • Vihiga (Pg. 42 & 43)
  • Bungoma (Pg. 43 & 44)
  • Busia (Pg. 44 & 45)
  • Siaya (Pg. 44 & 46)
  • Kisumu (Pg. 46 & 47)
  • Homa Bay (47 & 48)
  • Migori (Pg. 48 & 49)
  • Kisii (Pg. 49 & 50)
  • Nyamira (Pg. 50 & 51)
  • Nairobi (Pg. 51).
  1. My Countrymen, It has always been common knowledge that Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime was a fraud. This takes Mr. Kenyatta and William Ruto’s fraud on our morality to another level. But you can only cheat a people for so long.
  1. This information gives Kenyans the trail of the hacker. How he arrogantly walked into the IEBC database, took control of the entire electoral process, manipulated data, and published façade for a result while we all just wanted to celebrate our democracy.
  • What the IEBC has posted as results of the Presidential Elections is a complete fraud based on a multiplier that fraudulently gave Uhuru Kenyatta votes that were not cast. The electoral fraud and fabrication of results was massive and extensive to the extent that the results of the 47 Counties were manipulated
  • We have uncovered the fraud. Uhuru must go home. The IEBC must be fully accountable. The will of the people is unstoppable. We had a superior one in the Clouds
  • Most profoundly, a Kenyan with excellence career in public service had to die. Chris Msando’s blood has been shed on the altar of the thirst for absolute power. As the Officer responsible for elections, Mr. Msando had access as the Super User who has all access and can edit other users or alter data. His logins were used to gain access into the IEBC Core Server and freely alter election data as they pleased forgetting one key element, turning off logging.
  • The 2017 General Election was a fraud. In his words, Uhuru said that he did not need voters to win an election. The hacking has definitely affected the results of the 2017 General Elections is a tragedy of monumental proportions and total disaster. We do not need him as our leader.







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