17.8 C
sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Contro i genocidi nasce in Ruanda il Giardino dei Giusti dell’Umanità

Speciale per Africa ExPress Federica Iezzi 27 luglio 2024 A...

Non solo Gaza: le micidiali e vietate bombe al fosforo usate dagli israeliani in Libano

Speciale per Senza Bavaglio Giovanni Verga Sidone (Libano), 25...


TOPSHOTS A demonstrator disguised as FIFA President Sepp Blatter takes part in a protest against the condition of workers in Qatar, on the sidelines of the 65th FIFA Congress on May 28, 2015 in Zurich. The FIFA presidential election should be postponed after football’s world governing body became embroiled in two corruption storms, the European confederation UEFA said. FIFA and the world of football were rocked on its heels early on May 27, 2015 morning when Swiss police detained several leading FIFA officials. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINIFABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images

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