Intelligence report: Malindi targeted by shebab, suicide bombers ready to attack

Shebab in parata

Africa ExPress
Nairobi, April 14th 2016

Malindi on high alert over planned terror attack Security has been intensified in Malindi following reports of a planned terror attack. According to Malindi Deputy County Commissioner Gideon Ombongi, the Al Shebab militia is planning to use suicide bombers to execute the attack.

Shebab in parata
Shebab in parata

Residents have been asked to be vigilant following the report. According to Intelligence reports, Al Shebab are planning to carry out attacks in the area with the objective of causing extensive damage.

Six out of eleven suicide bombers have been sent to the Coast region with the aim of executing the attack, according to reports.

(This statement has been sent to Africa ExPress from the Kenyan authorities)



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